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Systemic Consciousness


Visão Sistémica

My way of approaching someone who comes to me as a patient is always through the Systemic
Way of Thinking
. In other words: I never look at a person individually but rather as someone
who comes already in an existing web, deeply connected on a soul level to
all the members of his/her family, going back seven generations. This way of looking into an
individual enables me to see him/her in the context of a wider picture and someone whose
actions, tendencies, traits, patterns (or lack of them) is not solely dependant on his/her will,
but driven forwards (or backwards) by a bigger force. I am sure many of us (if not all) have experienced the frustrations and desperation of always attracting (or remaining) in the same situation, regardless of the different courses of action we take. Most of what governs our lives is unconscious and so are the binds and loyalties to our family system. 

In the same way, any positive change or movement in an individual profoundly affects the other members of the group, opening new ways of relating, behaving, existing, that have been ‘forbidden” by the system until then, and healing the family tree. (The same principle applies to members of an organization or company, although here the binds might not be so strong).

My aim here is not to explain what the Systemic Consciousness is - You can read about it in
many places, such as herebut to let potential clients know that this is my approach to anyone
who would like to work with me, which is very different to classic psycotherapy and analysis.

Also, this way of seeing the world and specially the people, as part integrative of systems,
allows me to work with groups and organizations as well as with the individuals. Family constellations, organizational constellations and the science of Ayurveda are examples of therapies and approaches that fall under the Systemic Consciousness Way of Thinking. 

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A minha maneira de abordar qualquer pessoa que procure a minha ajuda é através da Visão
ou Consciência Sistémica, ou seja; eu vejo a pessoa como indivíduo integrado num sistema qu tem os seus próprios padrões de comportamento e tendências que, de formas diferentes e de uma maneira mais ou menos inconsciente influenciam todos os indivíduos que nascem dentro desse sistema. Não olho para uma pessoa como completamente isolada do meio que a rodeia e especialmente da familia de onde nasceu. Mesmo que geograficamente longe, os padrões,  tendências, comportamentos e traumas da família estão presentes no ADN de cada um de nós.

Se quiserem podem saber mais sobre o que é a consciência sistémica aqui e aqui. 

Esta forma de olhar para o mundo e para pessoas, como partes integrantes de um sistema que está super presente dentro delas, permite trabalhar tanto com grupos e organizações como com indivíduos. Constelações familiares, constelações organizacionais e Ayurveda sao exemplos de praticas que operam de acordo com os principios da Consciencia Sistemica.

© Malken Hill
Made possible by the generous support of the Society for Archeological Independence